
Aanleverdata PIPR Pattaya

Collection Dates:

April 19/20

May 17/18

May 31/June 1

June 7/8

June 14/15

June 21/22

June 28/29

July 5/6

July 26/27

Collection point:  Duivendirect, Horsterweg 9, 8085 SZ DOORNSPIJK (NL)

It’s possible to pick up at your address, 1-10 pigeons will be picked up for 50 Euro. More than 10 pigeons? We will pick up for free in Belgium and The Netherlands. More than 10 pigeons in several shipments? We will refund after you reach the quantity of 10 pigeons.

If you already known your collection dates(s), we recommend to reserve.

Participation Fee:  550 US$ each pigeon

Transport costs to Pattaya:  €50,- each pigeon.

Participants pays a deposit of 550 USD for the first pigeon. After 120 KM qualification race, all pigeons which are still in race, have to be paid.

(If you send 1 pigeon or 100 pigeons, first deposit will be 550 USD)

Application fee can only be paid in either Thai Bath (THB) or US Dollars (USD). Prize will be paid in the same currency as application fees.

Pigeons needs the age of  45-60 days at least and vaccinated against Paramyxo 21 days before collection date.

Important at Collection:

·               We need all band numbers of pigeons that will be send at least 2 days before collection date.

·               We need Team name(s) and contact details at least 2 days before collection date. Notice: Team names once registered at PIPR  cannot be modified or rename.